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February 2025

Practical Press Stud Fastening for Mobile Applications

For applications requiring secure fastening, such as walking, but also needing quick removal, press stud fastening is highly advantageous.

Upon request, we can machine enclosures to accommodate press studs (male or female), allowing them to be inserted or pressed in. This is particularly recommended for OKW small enclosures, such as BODY-CASE, MINITEC, CONNECT, SOFT-CASE (photo), and MINI-DATA-BOX.

Possible uses include biofeedback, measurement and recording of training/performance data or vital functions, wearables, and much more.

Feel free to ask us!

Machining >>

February 2025

OKW is environment-friendly

From 3rd February 2025, the PV system on our new logistics centre will finally be in operation.
With an output of 334 kWp, it will generate over 300,000 kilowatt-hours per year in a best-case scenario, covering a large portion of OKW's energy needs. Together with the office building's existing PV system, we will thus reduce our energy costs in the long run and minimise our dependence on conventional energy sources.